24 Simple (And Easy) Homemade Gifts Perfect For Christmas

Christmas is coming!

And what better way to celebrate it than with these homemade gift ideas for your whole family.

Something that shows them them how much you care yet doesn’t break your budget.

Christmas can be an expense time that’s for sure. And presents only make up part of the cost.

Choosing to give homemade gifts not only eases your budget worries, it also adds a big dollop of your creativity and personality into the mix.

If you are like me though, you may struggle with ideas for easy handmade gifts.

I don’t have a creative bone in my body.

Thankfully there are plenty of people out there who are creative, who think up new and interesting homemade gift ideas just because they can.

And one thing I can do, and am quite good at, is following instructions.

These creative people are the people you and I want to emulate, and one of the ways we can do this is to use the ideas they come up with to make Christmas gifts for our family and friends.

Christmas Gift Planning

Homemade gift ideas are perfect when you are on a budget. It’s not that you don’t want to spend money on your family, you do!

But you don’t have lots of money to buy whatever takes your fancy so you need to get creative.

Before you start scrolling and drooling over these creative homemade gifts, take 10 minutes or so to plan out WHO and WHAT.

WHO you are going to buy for – family, friends, neighbors? Try to keep your list manageable.

Not only do you need to think cost, you need to think time.

The more people you add to your list, the more time you need to spend being creative.

Which isn’t a bad thing because it’s fun (when you know how). But, you know, time and all that.

gingerbread person lying among dried herbs and fruit

WHAT is your budget for your Christmas gift list? – DIY handmade gifts are certainly cheaper than buying the equivalent in the shops but they are not usually without cost.

One of my tips to keep Christmas gift budgets down is to have a theme for each year.

Which basically means a whole bunch of my family get the same DIY handmade gift. Christmas cookies are an easy gift to make for multiple people.

Not only does it save me some time, it saves me money as I am not buying a million and one different crafty items.

If your budget is really tight, then homemade gift ideas you could make for just pennies are what you need.

Why not check out my fantastic list of easy recycled gift ideas?

Related posts:

How To Save For Christmas? 6 Easy Steps To Debt Free Festivities

How To Buy Xmas Gifts – When You’re On a Tight Budget

9 Things I Refuse To Buy This Christmas

mock up images of smart savers festive money binder

Making Your Homemade Gift Ideas Into Reality

The other trick to consider when you are deciding which of these easy handmade gifts to make and give to friends and family, is to choose gifts you can make ahead of time.

This is why I like to make non-food Christmas gifts.

You can start making gifts as far ahead as October, or even earlier.

No need to be rushed off your feet in December.

In my ideal world I would have 90% of my handmade gifts finished before December.

That way all the other things you and I have to do to plan for Christmas can happen without us getting stressed about lack of time.

It’s the same reason I try to write all my Christmas cards in early November.

They don’t get posted until December but they are ready to go, stamps and all, with plenty of time to spare.

All these 24 gifts can be made ahead of time, some you could make right now.

DIY Christmas Gifts You Will Love To Make And Give

You can be frugal, creative and give lovely gifts this Christmas to all your family. These 24 homemade gift ideas have got you covered. They're frugal, fun and easy to make. Which one will you choose first?

Homemade Gift Ideas You Can Make On A Budget

I’m all about being frugal yet you and I don’t want to be labelled as Scrooge this Christmas do we?

Making your own gifts for family and friends really can make the difference between a frugal Christmas and a debt laden January.

I know which I choose, every year. Homemade is the way to go every time.

For more frugal help in stretching your pennies and making ends meet why not check out these posts?

How To Live Frugally When It’s All New To You

How To Be Frugal: 200+ Best Frugal Living Tips To Save Money

18 Fundamental Items In My Frugal Home You Need To Have

pinterest image for homemade gift ideas
pinterest image for homemade gift ideas
mock up images of smart savers festive money binder

Last Updated on 5th April 2023 by Emma

About Emma

I'm here to help you become confident in making the best money decisions for you and your family. Frugal living has changed my life, let me help you change yours.

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